Family Friendly

Valley Hotel Café
606 S Alaska St
Palmer, AK 99645

Valley Hotel Café is open 24/7, including all holidays.  Serving traditional diner fare, from biscuits and gravy to burgers and just about everything in-between, they have something for everyone.

Map provided by MSB Community Development Department
(907) 861 - 8578

If you're looking for a quick, middling difficulty hike with phenomenal views of Palmer and the surrounding valley, you cannot beat the West Butte Trail.  Situated only 10 minutes outside the city, this trail traverses the 800+ foot Bodenburg Butte and is maintained by the Matanuska-Susitna Borough.  It features several benches, a shaded ascent, and is topped by a view Lazy Mountain, Pioneer Peak, Matanuska Peak, the Knik Glacier, the Talkeetna Range, and more.

For additional information, contact the Matanuska-Susitna Borough Community Development Department or by clinking the website link above.